Really more an idea than a recipe. I made this with the last of our home grown broad beans. Big and tough beans they were and I think the floury texture of fully grown broad beans is what made this dip really nice. Quantities are sort of feel as you go. I also usde thyme and mint because that's what we had and they worked really well.
You will need
- broadbeans
- yoghurt
- lemon juice
- olive oil
- garlic
- thyme
- mint
- salt and pepper
Pod the broad beans and cook in boiling water until tender. Cool enough to remove the tough outer skin of the broadbeans (this is essential and won't take as long as you think). Blend broadbeans, garlic, a good squeeze of lemon juice, a couple of spoons of yoghurt, some olive oil and the herbs. It should take on a smooth texture. Taste and adjust seasoning if necessary. Eat. Yum.